Hi there, I am a junior web developer looking for an oppurtunity to create stunning websites while learning new skills and tech.
In my spare time I play a wonderful sport called Roller Derby and enjoy playing video games.
do or do not, there is no try
I am always happy and willing to dedicate the time to learning new technologies!
- JavaScript
Libraries & Frameworks
- Bootstrap
- jQuery
- Git
- Figma
Currently Learning
- React
- NextJs
BSc Computer Games Technology (1st)
In 2017 I graduated from Manchester Metropolitan University with a first in computer games technology. During my degree we learnt a wide range of topics including; Web Development, Computer Games Design, 3D Modelling and Programming. Although I ultimately decided against a career in games development, university definitely instilled in me the ability to research and learn self sufficiently.
My university course only covered the basics of HTML and CSS, so using those foundations I taught myself through research and tutorials expanding on my knowledge and putting them into practise. Going forwards I think this would help with learning new technologies as I have proven that I am capable of putting in the time and dedication to expand my knowledge and progress.
All it needs is some time, a little bit of sunshine and rain, and voila!
If you have a spare moment, feedback on my work is always greatly appreciated!
Blizzard Clone
Film Watchlist
Skate Uk